Well, today is the launch date of the GTX 780 and the card will be available for purchase starting today with a base price of $649. This card will replace the previous gen GTX 680 and will be Nvidia's flagship card for this year and is also the first 700 series card to be announced. The GTX 780 still utilises the kepler architecture and has the GK 110 core; similar to the GTX Titan and the Nvidia Tesla. Moving on, the specs of the GTX 780 include the GK104 core with 2304 cuda cores, 3GB of GDDR5 memory, 48 ROP units, 7100 million transistors, a 384bit wide bus, and the core is clocked in at 863MHz at stock. After reading some of the reviews and watching a couple of videos showcasing the cards, my impressions are that Nvidia may not have created a new card but what they are trying to do is to bring better performance to a more affordable price. This fact is true because not everybody has the money to spend a hefty $999 to buy a Titan. With the GTX 780 Nvidia's bringing 60% the performance of the Titan and bringing it at a price point which is affordable to people. In the SLI reviews, i've seen the GTX 780 is similar to other cards ever made as the price to performance ratio is similar as 2 cards does not mean double the performance. In the design of the card, Nvidia did a great job by bringing the awesome design introduced on the GTX 690 down to the GTX 780 which includes an aluminum frame and a plexi-glass window as well as a blower style fan. On to the temperatures and i averaged out a few of the reviews i managed to go through and 35-37 degrees seem to be the idle and under full load the temps are at about 80 degrees. Overall Nvidia has provided users with an upgraded version of the GTX 680. Other than new hardware, Nvidia alongside the GTX 780 has announced shadowplay which will record you gameplay and will give you sort of a gameplay video of about 20 mins for your complexity to show people.
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'You could call it the GTX Titan Le too'

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