Just a mere two months ago we celebrated out first year anniversary and today the TTOTi blog will enter into yet another new verse. I give to you The Technology Of Today International Version 2.0, this new revision isn't about bringing a totally new UI to our blog but its to revamp the whole blog all over again. I have to say at first i was planning to rewrite the whole blog's code but then i find that it is still irelevant so i did not do so, but in the future a revamp is scheduled. Talking about this blog, i've been running it by myself for about 14 months now and i have to say that this has been a long way and I've enjoyed every step of the way. Overall i have gain a lot of experiences and one thing i can say is never give up on anything and don't let a small problem bring you down. Without further ado i'll explain to you what is V2.0 all about. First up is that i have update our catch phrase/ moto to 'bringing you a step closer to more than just technology' rather than just 'bringing you a step closer to technology'. This will mean that other than tech news you will be able to see something more than just tech news in this blog in the coming weeks. Also we will be covering news from even more regions since we've adopted the international moniker.
Counting that in, our social network pages will only post news and the things which i'm currently working on (like taking photos, seeing new things, etc). But additionally if you want something more than just news like some funny tech stories, fun facts you can head over to our partner pages at:
If you want to be immersed into even more content you can check out either my YouTube channel or some of my friends' one. These channels below each are different but very informative
Enough about that, i'll continue with what's new in V2.0 in the blog. First is that i've made some small changes so that the blog will load a tad bid faster and now the text of articles is a little bit bigger so that you can read the articles when dealing with high res monitors. The next thing is that the way i write articles have also changed and i'm using more bombastical english which is both more unique and more simpler to understand. As i have said on the Facebook Page more segments are coming but i'll have to halt the launch of these segments due to insufficient planning but they'll make an official appearance in 2H 2013. Also gone is the very space consuming footer which has large text and a big picture. That is now reverted to standard sized text and i also added a ratings section in the very bottom of every article. In future articles i would also be adding in more images a possible and balancing it with the amount of words because as the saying goes 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. Finally i'm resolving an issue which has been felt by a number of users for quite some time. It is the Tip Us page which is now updated to include a form which you can fill in and submit to us to contact use, but you still can use the old fashioned way by sending us an email. So this is about it for Version 2.0 of TTOTi, its might look like an incremental upgrade but in the long run it will all make sense.
Buy me a cup of coffee to keep me going by donating to me via Paypal
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"bringing you a step closer to more than just technology"Also i am keeping my word regarding last month's announcement and i would also like to rephrase that by saying that i'll be only posting big news on blog and i'll emphasize more on homegrown articles and opinions in this blog. Well regarding about other small news and everything in between, there's where our social networks come in. However in the next 10 months we'll only be emphasizing on the use of Facebook and Twitter as the main social networks. But don't fret about that because i'm trying my best to get into more newer social networks like instagram, pinterest, tumblr, etc
Counting that in, our social network pages will only post news and the things which i'm currently working on (like taking photos, seeing new things, etc). But additionally if you want something more than just news like some funny tech stories, fun facts you can head over to our partner pages at:
If you want to be immersed into even more content you can check out either my YouTube channel or some of my friends' one. These channels below each are different but very informative
Enough about that, i'll continue with what's new in V2.0 in the blog. First is that i've made some small changes so that the blog will load a tad bid faster and now the text of articles is a little bit bigger so that you can read the articles when dealing with high res monitors. The next thing is that the way i write articles have also changed and i'm using more bombastical english which is both more unique and more simpler to understand. As i have said on the Facebook Page more segments are coming but i'll have to halt the launch of these segments due to insufficient planning but they'll make an official appearance in 2H 2013. Also gone is the very space consuming footer which has large text and a big picture. That is now reverted to standard sized text and i also added a ratings section in the very bottom of every article. In future articles i would also be adding in more images a possible and balancing it with the amount of words because as the saying goes 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. Finally i'm resolving an issue which has been felt by a number of users for quite some time. It is the Tip Us page which is now updated to include a form which you can fill in and submit to us to contact use, but you still can use the old fashioned way by sending us an email. So this is about it for Version 2.0 of TTOTi, its might look like an incremental upgrade but in the long run it will all make sense.
Buy me a cup of coffee to keep me going by donating to me via Paypal

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