Last year in July Microsoft announced that the successor to the hotmail email service which is Additionally with the introduction of it became my main email due to the very nice design of the page and the fact that i can finally have my name on the email without numbers of special character. A few months after they released an android app which immediately got bad review due to the design which is identical to the hotmail app. Well this is a truly funny and weird story, yesterday night just before i head to sleep i decided to install the outlook app for android because my i have not done it yet due to the very bad design of the first iteration of the app by Microsoft. So i installed the app and signed in and at the first glance i noticed that the splash screen has changed but i did not realize the there is a new UI because on the app page the screenshots are still pointed at the new design. After passing through the sync settings etc i jumped into the app and i was shocked about the new design of the app. Then this morning i received an email from the outlook team about the new design of the android app. It its pretty weird that the screenshots were not updated though. Overall i really enjoy using this app and the app is as good as the android Gmail app. Well this app has just been updated so the ratings of the app is still very low.
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