In a few hours time, Facebook is going to hold their event in which hinting with the tagline of 'come see our new home on android'. With that said, Facebook is highly expected to announced a facebook launcher for android called Facebook Home and alongside the new launcher they are also expected to show off a new device called the HTC First and will most probably be the Facebook Phone which has been long rumored. So here is some of my preliminary thoughts on the phone which will be pioneering the new launcher. First up is that i don't think that there is really a need to have a phone based on a social network at this moment. But if Facebook is smart enough they would bundle the device with some features which are making life easier for social butterflies then maybe they have hit the jackpot. Another things is that being a social network based phone then you must always be connected to the internet to get the fullest out of everything and when using either wifi or 3G/4G battery life is drastically being used in both the background and foreground. The only way that Facebook can pull this off is that they show something so amazing that people would want to have one. Examples are hard core integration of Facebook with every corner of the phone having a share or like button. Launching this phone, Facebook is proned to show some integration of Instagram or maybe shed some new features to the android app. This is all i can say for now but stay tuned tomorrow as i will write another follow up article to this regarding what was announced.
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