On our first anniversary i wrote an article which i listed the brief history behind the page. To start things up i never actually planned to make this blog in the first page. In 2011 i was introduced by my friend Avinaash about computer tech and within a few months i had became in love with computers and i can say that YouTube played a major role at this. Especially Linus from NCIX and Elric from The Tech Of Tomorrow. Also if not mistaken these are the first two channels which is subscribed to 3 years ago. Continuing down the road i continued liking computes until early 2012 when the smartphone industry boomed with Samsung and Apple i turned to phones. Within like 2 months i understood all the basics and continuing on i learned more till today. But before that; On the week which i created the blog i was actually still talking about computers and then in the end of the week which was a Friday, i thought to myself rather than always constantly nagging to my friend about the latest and greatest i thought of writing a blog in which i will share my knowledge to the people around the web. That is also where i got the inspiration for the first logo. On the day itself (Feb 10 2012) i was thinking about the blog while doing my daily rounds looking at the news from websites and then after time thinking i rested the matter and went to take a nap in the couch. I woke up 2 hours later when the skies were gloomy and the time was only 4PM and then i thought of a name for the page 'the technology of today' then i started the blog with the help of my friend avinaash. He was writing content here for about 3 months then he left. The next part of the story is disclosed due to some issues if revealed will create some controversies. Coming back to the present day i actually was planning to close the blog but after some thought i decided not to. All the hard work i put on this blog is really priceless. As to that i then think back to that very day i created this blog and said that what i am doing now is the total opposite of what i thought of this blog when i created it 14 months ago. I created this soley to share my thoughts and knowledge to contribute to the web not to compete with one another. Another thing is that Tech actually dictated what i am today and since opening this blog i have changes 180 degrees and i'm planning to change back to the old perspective. My life really turned upside down with the presence of this blog. But that's not the point i still continued to keep my word which i always use on people who are feeling down 'never give up no matter what the cause is'. In times also i keep in mind that its not always being the best but the important is doing your very best. So i'm going to keep my word by sharing my knowledge to the world and not going off track again. That's also where i get the thought of the moto which is 'bringing you a step closer to technology'. All in all i can say that i'm very pleased with what this blog has done to me even if there's some side effects but one thing which i ultimately believe is that hard work does pay off and all it takes is one moment in time to change your life forever.
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