One thing which i really look up to android is the ability to customize basically everything you can see and touch. Talking about customizations, the keyboard is very important, that is why you must choose a suitable one to ease yourself when typing on your phone. On my previous phone which is an old Nokia symbian device i was using SWYPE which is really useful because of the small touchscreen on the phone and with a few swipes i was able to write a sentence rather than keying in every key which is pretty hard for such a small screen. Then when i moved up to the Galaxy Note, i first up started to use the stock Samsung keyboard which was not to my liking and is sometimes lagging. Then shortly after i tried out what was most popular on android which was swiftkey and i managed to use it for about a week or so then i got fed up about it, just did not like it. Then as i was scavenging inside my phone, i found out that SWYPE has been preinstalled and so i gave it a try and i pretty much loved it. Soon after that i installed the SWYPE beta which was even better as it unlock some features which was not bundled in the preinstalled keyboard. Until the last month when the Android 4.1.2 update for the Galaxy Note came then i installed it. After updating the device i gave the new Samsung keyboard which has swiping gesture a try, but after only a few days of using i did not like it a bit. In the same time Swiftkey 4 was released (i previously tried the beta version) and i decided to give it another try because in this new version swiping gestures are integrated and the autocorrect is the best among android third party keyboards. I like the way it feels but then as happened before i got tired of it because somehow swiping on that keyboard is still not perfected, but i have to give it to the swiftkey team as the themes on Swiftkey are the best. After that i started again using the preinstalled SWYPE which has been updated in the Android 4.1.2 update for my phone. The look and feel of the keyboard was pretty similar to the beta keyboard and in the 1 month since i updated the device i have been using this keyboard and i was pretty happy with it. Up until last week when i suddenly felt the urge to try out the Beta keyboard which at this moment at version 1.4. After installing the beta version immediately started using the keyboard to type out some messages. The result is that the beta keyboard is not only more responsive it is also not having that moment of stuterring i felt with the preinstalled version. Mind to note that the preinstalled one was at version 1.8. In this whole article my main point is to saying that the beta version is more superior than the preinstalled one. Try out the SWYPE keyboard here.
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