This article is written to commemorate the 37 years since Apple was founded
So what exactly is Apple doing to change the world, here is my take on it. First up i'll give you a brief look up on the history of Apple. As you all know Apple.Inc was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976. In the early stages of the formation, the company was producing personal computers, soon after that they named their line of computers macintosh which today is short formed to Mac.After a few years the company started losing income and then that is the time where Steve Jobs was sacked from the company he made. Soon after that Apple purchase NeXT and in such a coincidence Steve Jobs was working there and he was back in Apple. Then in 1998 Apple announced the iMac which at that time was really a very bad ass looking CRT All in one PC. Fast forward to the early 21st century, Apple introduced the iPod which turned out to be the company's most successful device behind the iPhone and iPad, this also marks their return to profitability. After that in the years forafter their stocks and revenue increased. The main part as everybody remembers it is the introduction of the iPhone which at that time was really a revolutionary thing. After the introduction of the iPhone the mobile phone market seemed to have shifted to a different league by having touchscreens. The iPhone continued to rule the smartphone market until Samsung came up with their Galaxy S series of android powered smartphones which are directly competing with the iPhone. Continuing the timeline down the road in 2010, the iPad was introduced and it officially started the trend of tablets which at this time the crown is still at Apple's side for a more popular tablet. Over the years Apple has really done a lot to contribute to the digital world we live in right now. If it weren't for the iPhone we might still be using PDA's and QWERTY phones. Apple has not only made a very great impression on this world but their products have been deeply merged with our culture and become a house word. For example kids these days would say they want an iPhone or iPad (of course they would now also say they want a Galaxy S4 because of the popularity). Same with the fact that people still recognize the iPhone better than any phone in the face of this world. Sure you can fight to say that the iPhone is nothing compared to top tier smartphones like the S4 but it still holds that recognition and name from the company that built it. Apple products are also widely used these days especially Mac's which aren't so popular among normal users but to the folks doing video editing of professional services there is a high chance that they are using a Mac due to the simplicity of the ecosystem. Throughout the years Apple has also introduced a lineup of device which work together as a whole to make things easier for the user. Overall you could say that Apple is on its way to death valley but i see a bright future for Apple provided that they implement some new things into their products. I would like to take this opportunity to wish Apple a Happy 37th anniversary, without them who knows how the digital life we live in today would be like ?
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