Well this here is yet another article in which i will discuss about the Galaxy S4; Here in this article the question is 'does the S4 make other smartphones dumb'. Well i can't provide with an indefinite answer on this but what i can conclude now is that Samsung does wrap some very mind boggling features in the S4 which other smartphones don't provide. Some of the features which Samsung included this time around in their flagship device is pretty useful but some are really just marketing gimmicks which work but for day to day use users will not use much of it. One of the features which i'll touch on is the S Health app on the S4. To me that looks to be a very good app which combines quite a number of solutions out there in the market together in one app. Also accompanying the app is a temperature and humidity sensor and some separately sold accessories which will help in getting the data for the app so that they can provide you with the best report. This is one of the features which makes other smartphones out there look dumb because Samsung took the time to think it through and even added a temperature and humidity sensor and to my concern no other smartphone in the market currently has the sensor. Next up is the intervention of the S Translate app on the S4 which looks to be a very promising solution. Although you have third party solutions for translating like Google Translate but S Translate is integrated in the S4's software itself. This is yet another feature which other manufacturers have ever equipped their device with. The dual camera feature is yet another thing which stands out from what other manufacturers are providing. Yes, the Optimus G Pro does come with this feature but does not have such a wide array of settings compared to what Samsung is bundling in. Samsung also managed to pull in quite a number of camera modes which is the most ever seen on an android device except the Galaxy Camera. Well these are a few compelling reasons why the Galaxy S4 outshines other devices and can even make other flagship device obsolete in its presence. So the conclusion is yes the S4 makes other smartphones look dumb in some way.
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